Department of Transport
Department of Transport
Christmas anti-drink drive campaigns have run for years, causing fatigue among media and consumers, especially the key target audience of young males. So how to cut through?

Taking our cue from new ATL, we focused not on the mayhem caused BY the drink-driver, but on the personal consequences and limits to THEIR freedom if caught. We dramatized these consequences by trapping a real-life convicted drink driver inside a giant pint glass at Paddington station. The subject was interviewed by national press and broadcast media as he explained how the conviction had ruined his life.
A successful photo opp / broadcast / public reaction piece all rolled into one.

You Look.
· Reach of 80m from media coverage and a piece of activity which literally stopped people in their tracks
You Care.
· As part of wider integrated comms campaign, drink drive offences over Christmas fell by nearly 20%.