Case study
Dangerous Snail
Dangerous Snail
Millions of devoted dog owners are woefully unaware that their pet’s health can be seriously affected by lungworm – a parasite carried by slugs and snails.

With the objective of engaging thousands of unsuspecting dog owners via social, online and traditional media, we created a world first – an Instagram account for a snail. Welcome @DangerousSnail25!
All content was shot by our in-house team and our snail went on to live a happy life in Green Park.
To amplify the story we worked with dog-lover Ben Fogle and enlisted media vet Luke Gamble.

Ben Fogle
Getting up close and personal with DangerousSnail25

Ben Fogle
Raising awareness of lungworm

Vet Luke Gamble
First time for a snail on a broadcast tour
You Look.
120 pieces of positive coverage, including Mail, Mirror, Express, Independent, 45 million OTS and 217k views of hero video.
You Care.
73% increase in traffic to Lungworm website and positive impact on sales.
- WINNER - PRCA National Awards 2017 - Health & Wellbeing
- WINNER - Veterinary Marketing Awards 2018 - Best PR Campaign
- CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE - Sabre Awards EMEA 2018 - Best Use of Social Networks
- FINALIST - CIPR Excellence Awards 2018 - Healthcare
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