Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps
Faced with government legislation requiring newly built homes to be heated using low carbon methods such as heat pumps – but with public and media opinion towards heat pumps low/negative – Redrow took decisive action.

They set out to become the unrivalled leader on energy efficiency in their sector by implementing heat pumps as standard in all of their new homes two years ahead of the impending regulatory change.
Our campaign communicated this powerful commitment plus helped rebalance the argument in favour of heat pumps through educating house buyers on the energy efficiency and plant-friendly advantages of this source of heating.
Through targeted media relations, we ensured the story went beyond the property pages and became a major national news story and, importantly, helped shift the needle of public opinion towards heat pumps in the right direction.

You Look.
250+ pieces of coverage including 30 nationals resulting in 48% brand increase
Overall campaign reach of 663m
75,000+ organic views of content across social media
You Care.
40,000 views of Redrow’s new energy efficiency section of their website
Sentiment tracker on heat pumps in UK media and social media showed significant spike in positively at time of launch – plus decreased negativity and increased positivity post-campaign
200% increase in google searches for Redrow’s Air Source Heat Pumps after announcement
- FINALIST - Campaign to Create or Improve Sustainability of Cities and/or Communities
- FINALIST - Campaign to Promote and Encourage Climate Action